1. A Sayfolian's Testimonial @ Sayfol International School

A Sayfolian's Testimonial @ Sayfol International School

Published on 09 Jun 2021

Haley Gray, Year 9
I have been in Sayfol since Year 1. This school has played such a huge role in my development as a person. If I had gone to any other school, I don’t think I would have accomplished what I have here, such as becoming Sports Girl in 2019, winning sports events, entering various art contests and designing things, which helped in my participative skills and confidence – all because of the encouragement I got from supportive teachers. At Sayfol, I am able to express myself creatively with all the competitions and events and bring out the best in me when I play my sports. I have made many friends along the way from Primary up till Secondary from different backgrounds with unique personalities, which have influenced my character for the better. I developed skills which I never thought I was capable of, being the shy girl I was, such as leadership, good time management, and learning to adapt with what I have in every situation. Besides my friends at Sayfol, I have to thank all the teachers from both Primary School and Secondary School for creating a positive environment and pushing me to do my best. They are very passionate about teaching, and caring too. They are the ones behind my good grades as they have taught me well, pushed me to achieve my goals, and made me believe in myself. I am excited to see how I will grow as a person till I leave Secondary School and beyond.


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