1. Fee Calculator

Fee Calculator

Thinking of enrolling your child into an international school? Our fees calculator below can help you to calculate the estimated fees per year, or throughout your child’s schooling years!
One Time Fees
Application Fee
Non-refundable charge with submission of application form. Not required by all schools.
Registration Fee
Also known as entrance, admission or enrolment fee. A non-refundable charge when a school application has been approved.
Refundable upon graduation or withdrawal from school. Usually equivalent to one term's tuition fee.
Annual Fees
Tuition Fee
Regular fees for ongoing education. May be paid at the end of each month, quarter, semester, or year.
School Development Fee
Also known as “school building fund, this fee covers the cost of renovations to the building and to the facilities.
ICT/Library/Lab Fee
This fee covers the acquisition, maintenance & development of technology & facilities.
Boarding Fee
Applicable only if you plan to enrol your child into a boarding school. This fee covers meals, accommodation, laundry and use of facilities. Payment varies with the type of boarding chosen: full, weekly and flexi-boarding
Other Fees
You may include other fees such as those for instructional materials, uniforms, field trips, transportation and extracurricular activities here.
Number of schooling years
The number of schooling years by your child. E.g. 11 years from Year 1 to 11
Percentage of fee increase
Estimated percentage of the fee increment, e.g. 5% increase every year
Waivers / Discounts

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