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List of International Preschool/Kindergarten in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Children aged four years old can enter preschools in Miri. Preschool and kindergarten are often used interchangeably. In a nutshell, preschools are learning institutions that offer an early years’ education to children aged three to six years old. You will also hear terms like ‘tadika’ and ‘taska’ to refer to early years centres in Malaysia. Both terms are in the Malay language and refer to two different types of early childhood education. There are many types of preschool curriculum available today but play-based learning is one of the most popular. In play-based learning, children learn by interacting with the world around them.
Total of 1 schools found

Knewton Global Schools
Miri, Sarawak
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
International Primary Curriculum