1. Australian International School Malaysia Students Present Senior Drama Showcase

Australian International School Malaysia Students Present Senior Drama Showcase

Published on 08 Aug 2014
General Article
Last month, the Australian International School Malaysia’s (AISM) senior drama students presented their original works to an audience in order to showcase their performance skills and ensemble work.
The short plays were all original pieces written and devised by the students themselves, demonstrating the high quality of student work happening in Drama at AISM.
The drama students have studied notable dramatists such as Bertolt Brecht, Augusto Boal and Dario Fo, whose works present social issues. Following this lead, students presented an excellent piece which highlighted an important social issue with a lot of laughs along the way.
Through this kind of activity, students are given opportunity to perform in front of an audience and receive feedback, enabling them to be well-prepared for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) external assessment.
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