1. November Open Week @ Sayfol International School

November Open Week @ Sayfol International School

Published on 02 Nov 2020
Open Days

Parents, if you are weighing your options for English Curriculum for your child, look no further than Sayfol! We are ready to welcome you to join our community for Term 2, commencing 6th January 2021. Allow our friendly Admissions team to walk you through the easy admissions process and ease your worries for your child’s education for Academic Year 2020/2021.


Remember to book your appointment slots as it is strictly by appointment only. Whatsapp +6016 338 6106 to book your appointment today! See you soon! #SayfolInternationalSchool #Sayfol #Sayfolian #internationalschoolkl #internationalschoolkualalumpur #internationalschoolmalaysia #schoolopenday

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