1. Student Profile: Aadar Lacoul Shrestha

Student Profile: Aadar Lacoul Shrestha

Published on 11 Jul 2019

Describe yourself in three words.

Active, Helpful, and Generous.

What are your favourite subjects and why?

My favourite subjects have to be Science, Math, and PE. Science has always fascinated me, and it is astonishing to find out so many different things about how everything is working or how it exists; also how the unknown still exceeds the known. Math maybe tough or tedious at times but it surely is neat how everything has a definite answer (which contradicts to science). As for PE, I have been involved in sports from a young age and enjoy the various games and team spirit.

What kinds of extracurricular activities do you do and why? 

I do a fair amount of sports and I always sign myself up to represent my school, be it football, basketball, or volleyball. Besides sports, I am also taking part in the World Scholars Cup programme provided to us by the school, where we will be able to represent the school in different academic activities.

What opportunities has your school given you that you would not have had otherwise? 

A unique experience provided by the school was the class service projects, where we helped ‘the last, the lost, and the least’. We also had a ‘Lasallian Sports Meet’, with SJI Singapore. Other valuable opportunities are the plenty presentations and projects in class, and chances to perform in the weekly assemblies. These help build up confidence and experience to suit more real life practices that may occur in the future.

If you could change one thing about being a student at your school, what would it be?

The school has done excellent in providing its students with the best extracurricular activities it can, and many students have taken advantage of it. But I feel there are still a few students, who hold great potential and need that extra push to open themselves up and show their talent. So I think the school would benefit with a program of some sort that will help the quieter ones to come out.

Describe your school in three words.

Inclusive, Unique, and Empowering.

What do you hope to do when you finish school?

It’s a hard question to answer at this stage. My core interest is in Science, but there are many different routes within Science that fascinate me. I would say my top three picks are: Biotechnology/Bioengineering, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), and Nanotechnology.

What do you think is the biggest problem with the world today? What can you do about it?

There are a number of problems in the current world, the most obvious ones being climate change, corruption, poverty, racism, sexism, and religious conflicts. Nowadays with the current technologies, such as social media, and the opportunities that we have, each individual has the power to make a difference and influence the ever growing world. After all, every change is started or lead by a person or thing. In my opinion, corruption may be the root cause of all our problems, it destabilizes all systems in the society; because it keeps widening the economic divide between the haves and the have nots. While that happens it also happens to push the other social divides into play, for example: education, job opportunities, gender divide and more.

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