1. Student Profile: Kaveen Parthiban

Student Profile: Kaveen Parthiban

Published on 19 Jul 2017
Kaveen Thumbnail

What are your hobbies? I enjoy playing sports such as tennis, football and basketball. In addition I love travelling to little known places, taking landscape photographs and playing the piano.

What are your favourite subjects? My favourite subjects are Mathematics, Economics and Geography.

What kinds of extracurricular activities do you do? I participate in the school orchestra, football, Model United Nations and The World Scholar’s Cup.

Who is your favourite teacher and why? My favourite teacher would have to be Mr Chesterman. He helped me discover my love for mathematics and pushed me to achieve my best, whilst keeping classes interesting and enjoyable. He’d insert real life scenarios, often hilarious ones, into our math problems in order to keep them in memory. He was always jovial during lessons and made topics less daunting than first imagined.

What is the one thing that you like the most about your school? The one thing that I like most about AISM is that there are carnivals and events where students of all ages, from preparatory to Year 12, come together. This makes the school more united and makes everyone feel welcome and part of something greater than just their friendship groups or classes. It allows people of all ages to make friends. An example is the weekly recreational Touch on Friday afternoons. People of all ages and abilities are welcome and this allows teachers and students to have fun and socialise through a sport they enjoy.

Share a memorable experience in your school so far. A memorable experience would be when the school chose me to play the cello in a string quartet at the annual Malaysian Australian Alumni Council dinner in 2015. It was my first performance representing the school at such a prestigious event and we executed our songs well through the nerves and worry. I have loved playing music from a young age and this was an exceptional and rewarding opportunity the school gave me.

What is the best thing about being a student? The best thing about being a student and from what I found at AISM is that there is incredible support from teachers. The teachers will help you through difficulties or give you opportunities to shine and pursue your passion. There are strong bonds between the students and teachers and they are always there to lend a helping hand. This support gives students the confidence to achieve more.

What do you hope to do when you finish school? I hope to enter university in either the UK or Australia and to pursue a degree in Economics and/or Accounting.

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