1. Teacher Profile: Michael Ainscough

Teacher Profile: Michael Ainscough

Published on 14 Feb 2019
Educators' Perspective

Year(s) and Subject(s) Taught 

YR 2- ESL, Homebase Teacher, Yr 3- ESL, Homebase Teacher, Yr 4- Homebase Teacher, Yr 5-Homebase Teacher, Yr 6-Homebase Teacher, Social Studies, Yr 7- Homebase Teacher

How long have you been teaching? 

27 years.

Why did you become a teacher? Why did you choose teaching as a profession?

I enjoy working with children and preparing them to become productive members of society.

Tell us about your own education journey.

I studied in Australia at the College of Advanced Education in South Australia.

What is the most memorable moment in your teaching career so far?

Watching the development of a Grade 3 student who couldn’t speak a word of English at the start of the year and seeing her progress so far by the end of the year. I felt so satisfied as a teacher. 

What do you like most about teaching?

I really enjoy working with children, realising that they are all individuals with different strengths and weaknesses and working with each individual to reach his/her full potential.

What is the best thing about teaching at your school?

The total support I have from my Head of School and the working relationship that I have with all my colleagues. 

Who or what inspires you?

The children that I teach inspire me every day to help them reach their full potential and help overcome any learning difficulties that they might have.

Describe the ‘perfect’ student.

The perfect student to me is not the brightest student or the student who completes their work the neatest but rather the student who tries their hardest when they are finding something difficult and always strives to try their best.

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