1. The Ultimate Engineering Challenge at Australian International School Malaysia!

The Ultimate Engineering Challenge at Australian International School Malaysia!

Published on 28 Apr 2015
General Article


Earlier last month, over 150 students at the Australian International School Malaysia (AISM) participated in the Ultimate Engineering Challenge. The day was facilitated by Richard Buckland, Associate Professor in Computer Security, Cybercrime, and Cyber Terror at the University of New South Wales. Richard is currently completing a short-term placement with Taylor’s University here in Malaysia. Students from Years 6 to 12, all donned their “engineer’s hats” to think outside of the box to overcome the challenge set before them.

Without giving away all the secrets for future participants, students worked in groups of 24 using limited materials to support a marshmallow as high as possible. Many students initially saw the task as quite a simple one, but later realized that there was much concentration and focus needed in order to successfully complete the task. All groups were vying for the prize of having the ‘highest’ marshmallow in the room.

Mrs Cally Nielsen, Head of Department Science and Technologies, organized The Engineering Challenge for students to make connections between the subjects they study at school, and the world awaiting them outside the school grounds. By developing connections with local universities and industries, AISM is aspiring to provide their students with a current, real-world inspired, Science and Technologies program. The Australian curriculum places great emphasis on providing students with the necessary life skills to help them succeed in their future and to develop meaningful skills to support their tertiary pathways.


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