Beaconhouse Newlands Early Years, Ampang

Essential Information
About Beaconhouse Newlands Early Years, Ampang
Just mention Taman U-Thant in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur and images of posh mid-rise condominiums and numerous foreign embassies located there will immediately pop up in our minds. The Beaconhouse Newlands Early Years (BNEY) in U-Thant, Ampang is in one of the most exclusive addresses in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, with the world-famous Petronas Twin Towers just approximately 10 minutes away.
BNEY U-Thant Ampang offers your little one’s high-quality education through the integration of best international practices, the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Beaconhouse School System Curriculum.
The holistic learning approach seeks to fully address and activate all aspects of the children’s personality: intellect, emotion, imagination, and physical development, thus providing them with the foundation for BNEY’s curricula and teaching philosophy. Apart from laying the vital foundation skills in early years education guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, UK, BNEY also nurtures children’s thinking and exploratory skills through their Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, in which children actively explore real-world problems and challenges while acquiring a deeper knowledge. Furthermore, the students here are provided with elements of the Cambridge curriculum to prepare them for international education, particularly the Cambridge International Programme.
BNEY perceives diversity as a core strength. As such, the school has instituted a wide range of programmes that can help students to manoeuvre through their self-development. At BNEY, cultural diversity is celebrated. Students from myriad social, cultural, and economic backgrounds—nationally and internationally—are more than welcome to participate in the high-quality learning experiences provided while harnessing their individual character and talent in the pursuit of educational success.
Effective Quality Curriculum
The curriculum adopted at BNEY is extremely comprehensive, where the students will be equipped with the ability to make mature and well-informed judgments through a clear understanding of vital principles and moral values. The programmes utilised here are augmented with a range of teacher-directed and child-initiated play activities, especially in the learning areas of reading, writing, and numeracy, to promote higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).
Play-based Learning
At the Beaconhouse School System, the Early Years Curricula are based upon active forms of learning, on enquiry, on discovery, and on first-hand experiences. They are framed in terms of activity and experience rather than knowledge to be acquired and facts to be stored. The subjects are referred to as areas of experience.
Beaconhouse Newlands Early Years, Ampang Fees Structure
Additional Programmes
After-school enrichment classes are held in the school and allow children to focus on their areas of interest in a safe, secure, and friendly environment.
Art and Craft / Mandarin / Tae Kwon Do / Modern Dance / Ballet / Robotics Technology