1. Environmentally Responsible ISKL

Environmentally Responsible ISKL

Published on 18 Sep 2018

In August of 2018, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) welcomed students and families to its new purpose-built campus in Ampang Hilir where Elementary, Middle and High schools united as one.

ISKL has a strong focus on service and sustainability across its divisions, both are integral components of the curriculum from Early Childhood through High School. One of the school’s six Schoolwide Learning Results (SLRs), is to ‘live ethically’ - to grow socially and ethically responsible citizens who actively care for and respect themselves, others and the environment. Being inspired by role models who have done just that is a great way of shaping behaviour.

Earlier this month, ISKL was pleased to welcome Melati Wijsen, co-founder of Bali’s Bye Bye Plastic Bags and Mountain Mamas to speak to both Grade 5 and High School students about youth-driven social change and the power of action at a grassroots level. Students are already active participants in ISKL’s commitments to sustainability. For example, ISKL’s cafeteria does not provide takeaway containers or use unnecessary single-use plastics. ISKL’s Panther Hut sells reusable straws, reusable bags and BPA-free water bottles to encourage students and families to eschew single-use plastics wherever possible. Students are aware that change must start with action, however small!

ISKL is proud to support environmental and sustainable practices throughout the campus and is a member of the Eco-Schools organization and the Green Schools Alliance; from building design, including energy efficient systems, a sustainable urban drainage system and harvesting rainwater through to environmental studies, ISKL is the first Green Building Index (GBI) Platinum school in Malaysia.

Click here to learn more about service learning at ISKL.

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