1. Wesley Methodist School Celebrates Student Achievements at Annual Awards Day

Wesley Methodist School Celebrates Student Achievements at Annual Awards Day

Published on 19 Jul 2024

Awards Day - a day when Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) and Penang (International) communities honour and celebrate the remarkable achievements of its students. The annual event was a jubilant occasion marking the culmination of hard work, dedication, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

The Awards Day at both schools was a grand affair, blending formality and festivity. The event began with an inspiring speech by the school principals, who congratulated the graduating students on their hard work & achievements and expressed their hopes and prayers for the student's continued success in the new chapters of their lives.

The highlight of the day was the presentation of awards for outstanding achievements. Students who had demonstrated exceptional effort and dedication were recognised with certificates, trophies, and gifts. These accolades celebrated not only their academic success but also their curiosity, diligence, and commitment to holistic education and personal growth.

The celebration was also enlivened by a series of performances by the students. Each performance, whether through music, song, or dance, showcased the incredible talent and hard work of the students, making the Awards Day a memorable and joyous occasion for all.

Wesley Methodist School continues to be a beacon of holistic education, nurturing young minds and preparing them to make meaningful contributions to society. The Awards Day was a powerful reminder of the incredible potential within each student, ready to be unleashed as they step into the future.

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Celebrating together: Penang secondary school students hold certificates and bouquets, commemorating their achievements on Awards Day.

A group of women dancing on a stage

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Penang students perform an exquisite oriental dance captivating the audience with their poise 

A group of children on a stage

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Penang primary school students enchant the audience with their angklung ensemble performance, showcasing their musical talent and teamwork.

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KL school students proudly hold their certificates and gifts from the school, alongside school management representatives.

A group of people performing on a stage

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KL school students deliver a captivating singing performance.

For further information on Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) and Penang (International), scan the below QR codes to find out more: 

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              Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) 

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Wesley Methodist School Penang (International) 



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