1. International Day @ ISP

International Day @ ISP

Published on 10 Mar 2017
General Article

Every year there is a unique event at The International School @ ParkCity (ISP) that brings the whole school together in celebration of different cultures, nationalities, food and clothing. It is of course the annual International Day which grows bigger and better each year.

The day begins with a Parade of Nations in which the students are grouped by country, invited to wear national costumes or clothing associated with their country and march under their nation’s flag. This year a total of 54 different nations were represented in the parade, led by the KL Pipes and Drums, proving what a truly international and multicultural school ISP is.

Following the parade, the day is a whirl of excitement with a myriad of activities throughout the school, even down to our youngest Nursery students. It is wonderful to see the school community come together and to see our older students mixing with younger students and leading activities. Our A-Level students helped lead a carousel of cultural activities in the Primary School and our wonderful parent community came together to run the vibrant ‘Country Stalls’ in which activities, foods and traditional games from their home countries were showcased and sampled.

Throughout the day there were many different musical, dance or cultural performances from around the world led by our staff, parents or talented students. A highpoint of the day was the international ‘pot-luck’ buffets that take place across the school followed by the closing cultural show in which the Chinese Festive Drums brought the day to an exciting, and very loud climax.




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