1. 7 Ways to Spend the End of Year Holidays!

7 Ways to Spend the End of Year Holidays!

Published on 06 Dec 2019
Child Development

We can’t believe it’s already December! Schools have already closed or about to close for the school holidays. The month of December signifies a time of celebration, spending quality time with friends and family, and reflecting on the year that has gone by. Don’t worry if you have nothing planned yet for the school holidays. You can use the points in this article as guide to make the most out of the school holidays with your family. 

Here are seven ways good ways to spend the end of year holidays:  

1. Go on a road trip

You don’t have to stress about planning a vacation in another country this holiday season. In Malaysia, we are fortunate to have many attractions and places to visit right in our backyard! You can go on a road trip with your family to check out tourist attractions nearby or visit neighbouring states. The list of things you can do is endless! Visit parks, zoos, museums, flea markets and more. Don’t forget to check out any concerts or plays happening near you as well.  


2. Sign up for holiday programmes and camps 

Take advantage of the holiday programmes and camps organised by international schools, learning centres and preschools! At these programmes and camps, a number of activities will be planned out to keep your child engaged and teach them new skills. You can find programmes that are geared towards your child’s interests to help them improve existing skills. There are usually holiday programmes aimed at teaching language skills, coding, arts & crafts, performing arts and survival skills, among others.   


3. Visit indoor playgrounds and theme parks 

There are a number of indoor playgrounds and theme parks across the Klang Valley. They are usually conveniently located in shopping malls. These places provide fun for the whole family and are great places for young children to keep active and release their energy. You can find activities such as obstacle courses, rock climbing and virtual reality games at these playgrounds and theme parks. 


4. Pick up a new hobby 

The school holidays are the perfect time to explore a new hobby. With the Internet, it is easier than ever before to learn something new through online tutorials on YouTube and other platforms. You can guide your child to use the Internet wisely to find suitable tutorials on learning a new instrument, singing, dancing, cooking, sewing and more. It does not cost money and you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. In addition, you can explore nature by going on walks and hikes with your family. You can also encourage your children to do volunteer work such as helping out at an animal shelter. 


5. Prepare a meal as a family  

Cooking is a great bonding activity to do as a family. You can get your children involved in making dinner or baking a sweet treat. Get them to measure out the ingredients, teach them how to use kitchen equipment and ask them to help clean up. You as a parent can do the chopping of ingredients and the actual cooking. The end result is a meal that is a group effort between you and your children. They will also have an appreciation for food and interest in cooking! 


6. Read!  

Reading is a fantastic way of gaining knowledge, expanding vocabulary and improving concentration. You can purchase a few books this holiday season and set a goal with your child to finish reading all of them before the new year. If your child is a toddler, you can read a chapter of a book before they go to bed. Make this a tradition and you may instil a passion for reading in them as well. 


7. Rest and relax!

December is a month for winding down. Make sure you and your child get the rest you need and catch up on sleep. It’s also important to keep your health in check and stay active. You can also make sure that the preparation for the new school year is in order (buying new school uniforms, new shoes, stationery, etc.). Most importantly, have fun with your family and create precious memories with them.


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