Epsom College in Malaysia, a co-educational boarding school located near Kuala Lumpur, opened in September 2014. In those two short years, the College has shaped the development of a cohort of highly successful A Level graduates. Epsom is a non-selective school which seeks to develop intellectual curiosity and academic success in all students.
The College was delighted with the performance of our first cohort of graduates. 73% of students achieved grades at A*-B, whilst 51% were at A*/A. This is an outstanding set of results from students from a range of academic backgrounds and clearly demonstrates that the College is adding considerable value to these students’ level of attainment.
Epsom College in the UK achieved a similarly impressive 61% A*/A grades. The College is rightly proud of the fact that it is so quickly matching the standards of its illustrious ‘big sister’.
Twelve students, representing 40% of the year group achieved straight A*/As. This fantastic achievement saw them accepted into a range of top universities. The most popular universities among graduates were based in London, with London School of Economics, University College London and Imperial College featuring highly. Warwick, Bath, Bristol and Exeter were also popular destinations. 30% of the students achieved a place on a course ranked in the top ten in the UK.
Popular subject choices included Economics, Accounting and Finance, Mathematics and Law. The College also had successful applications for Medicine and Dentistry. Students also headed further afield: one student with a passion for gaming software secured a place at DigiPen in California. Some students opted to stay closer to home, choosing Malaysian-based universities with courses twinned with Monash University in Melbourne and Trinity College, Dublin.
Not only did the students secure places on prestigious courses at excellent universities, they also, more importantly, are doing courses that they really want to study: 87% of students are going to the university of their first choice on their chosen course. This is testament to the hard work put in by the Higher Education team in advising students about universities and the best academic course for them. This set of results is all the more impressive when one considers the wide range of co-curricular activities in which the students are involved. The College’s cutting edge sports and drama facilities provide students with fantastic opportunities to expand their interest outside the classroom. They are encouraged to balance their academic and co-curricular commitments, thereby preparing them for life in the wider world.
Over 150 universities have visited the College over the past year, offering advice on applications and giving students a taste of what university study is really like. On 4th November the College will host 60 UK universities for its annual Higher Education Fair, providing students with privileged access to university admissions information.
Epsom offers both the two-year and 18-month A Level courses. It welcomes students who are dedicated to improving themselves and getting involved in everything the College has to offer. The College is committed to supporting students from a range of academic backgrounds and to helping them achieve their full potential: the success of our first cohort of graduates clearly demonstrated the College’s success in achieving this aim.
Our January intake is in progress. Email us at enquiries@epsomcollege.edu.my for more information. Tune Libra Scholarship is also available for deserving students. Details of the scholarship are available on www.epsomcollege.edu.my.