Every fortnight at the Australian International School Malaysia (AISM), students welcome the refugee children from the Chin Student Organisation (CSO) to join in their classes and a Chin-centered Co-Curricular Activity (CCA).
AISM introduced the Chin Immersion Program for the past 9 years to instill service learning values in our students by giving back to the community. The program also gives the Chin students a glimpse of how an international school is like.
“By opening our classrooms to the Chin community, AISM teachers and students provide a broader exposure to the styles of schools that these children hope one day to be able to enter,” says Mrs Samantha Morley, Service Learning Coordinator at AISM.
During their time at AISM, Chin students learn how to find their way around the school, use classroom timetables and visit mainstream classes. They participate in lessons such as Swimming, Art, Choir and Inquiry Project which enables them to experience a more holistic education.
“I first joined the Chin CCA in 2017, which kick-started my passion for sharing my experiences with these children, and to show them what a global community can bring”, says Year 10 student, Marcus Ho.
Some Chin students who have undergone the programme at AISM, have gone on to do really well academically and even won scholarships from universities.
Indeed, a small act of kindness can go a long way. AISM students and community will continue to pledge their support towards the refugee community in Malaysia.