1. Ballet West Student Exchange Programme @ POWIIS

Ballet West Student Exchange Programme @ POWIIS

Published on 19 Jan 2017
General Article


Ballet is like dreaming with your feet”. - Anonymous

If that were the case, the girls at Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS) are certainly dreamers! They were a part of the Ballet West Student Exchange Programme, which is a collaboration effort between Direct Academia International (DAI) and Ballet West UK.


DAI, a social enterprise, has a huge focus on human capital development through education and is a platform for the ballet community. Their activities include School Outreach Programme (Project EDEN), Student Exchange Programme, Dance, Artistry Support and many other exciting pursuits. Ballet West, situated in Scotland, regularly produces medallists in the Genee International Ballet Competition and graduates have gone on to be employed by dance companies globally.


The talented girls were Cher Yee Xin, who won the Outstanding Artistic Development Award, Angelique Thum, who received the Outstanding Dance Artistry Award and Utano Goda. All three participated in the Ballet West Student Exchange Programme held in Scotland and were awarded with certificates for their performances. POWIIS would like to congratulate them on their achievements!

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