1. Design and Technology Classes at Australian International School Malaysia

Design and Technology Classes at Australian International School Malaysia

Published on 30 Jun 2020

At the Australian International School Malaysia (AISM), despite not having access to their Design and Technology (DT) lab in school, our teachers, Sam Morley and Sherry Waleed and their Year 8 students have come up with innovative ways to produce remarkable work. They have been using TinkerCAD 3D Modelling software during the lockdown as a way of continuing their designing and making. 

Towards the end of May, they had some luggage tags designed and sent over to our lab assistant, Agilan, who helped them to get it 3D printed. Despite limitations at such a time, our DT teachers and students have been working online and sending it through for production just like industry does.  

Besides this, our Year 9 and 10 students finished a major project about 3 weeks ago and produced some incredible designs on Sketchup. They also produced some great videos promoting their teams. The project, Life on Mars, required teams to design a BioMedical Space Hub to live and work on Mars. From Week 4 of last term until the Movement Control Order was implemented in Week 8 they worked together in class. They then transitioned seamlessly into online learning and working remotely as teams from their homes each lesson. These students had meetings within meetings online as the individual groups worked together yet separate from the other groups. 

The project is part of the ReEngineering Australia’s Space in Schools collaborative learning model where each team consisted of Scientists, Engineers, Environmental specialists and Communications and Marketing leaders. 

One of the teams got to experience true global learning after one of their peers needed to relocate to New Zealand. In AISM spirit, our fellow student carried on working with his team as he was enjoying it so much. Isaac ended up designing the model from New Zealand while working with his team who guided him on what the hub needed inside. At the culmination of the task, the teams had to produce marketing videos justifying why their teams should be chosen to build the next Biomedical Space Hub on Mars. 

For more information about Australian International School Malaysia, kindly visit aism.edu.my.

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