1. JIS hosts ‘Maths Week’

JIS hosts ‘Maths Week’

Published on 26 Feb 2020

Jerudong International School (JIS) hosted the annual Maths Week for both the Junior and Senior School with several activities including quizzes and talks by guest speakers.

Students took part in house competitions and activities throughout the week that promoted maths. Australian mathematician and maths educator based in Phoenix, Arizona Dr James Tanton was the guest speaker.

Dr Tanton is the winner of the Kidder Faculty Prize for his teaching at The St Mark’s Math Institute, a scholar at the Mathematical Association of America, an author of over 10 books on maths, as well as a maths content creator on YouTube. He believes that maths is accessible to all and he is committed to sharing the subject. Dr Tanton spoke on ‘Exploding Dots – Maths you Thought you Knew in a Brand New Light’ to JIS junior and senior school students at the auditorium of the JIS Arts Centre.

International School Brunei (ISB), Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah, Seri Mulia Sarjana School, St Andrew’s School, Jigsaw Primary School, Hornbill School, Tinkerbell, Sekolah Sinaran Mas, Stella School, Panaga School, ISB Kuala Belait, Seri Mulia Sarjana International School, Sekolah Rendah Sungai Tali Lumut II Belait, Al-Falaah School Brunei and Yayasan Primary School students also participated.

Head of Maths faculty Phillip May said, “This has been an opportunity for students to get involved in Maths beyond the curriculum, experience and tap into their competitive side.”

Dr James Tanton delivers a talk to students of Jerudong International School (JIS) during their maths week

ABOVE & BELOW: Dr James Tanton delivers a talk; and students during an activity. PHOTOS: JIS

Students of Jerudong International School (JIS) engaging in written activities during their maths week

Article from Borneo Bulletin: https://borneobulletin.com.bn/jis-hosts-maths-week/

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