1. Mindfulness at AISM : Sleep Better with Mindfulness at Home

Mindfulness at AISM : Sleep Better with Mindfulness at Home

Published on 27 May 2020

Research suggests that even a small amount of mindfulness meditation can help calm our minds and improve our sleep. Mindfulness involves focusing on your breathing and then bringing your mind’s attention to the present without drifting into concerns about the past or future. It helps you break the train of your everyday thoughts to evoke the relaxation response, using whatever technique feels right to you. Australian International School Malaysia (AISM) has in recent years updated aspects of our approach to student wellbeing by embedding mindfulness practices in school. Here are some simple mindfulness practices you can try with your children before bed. 

1. Warm Fuzzy Wishes

a. Climb into bed. Take five deep breaths to calm our bodies.

b. Explain to your child how kindness can send good vibes out into the world. And that it’s important to send well wishes to those we love. 

c. Have your little one pick any two people they want. (Don’t forget the family pet.)

d. Instruct them to say out loud something they love about this person. 

e. Then, you will take turns sending a well wish out to the universe. You will need to guide your child at first.

Warm Fuzzy Wishes Examples:

●I hope Johnny does well speaking at assembly tomorrow.

●I want Olivia to play well at soccer tomorrow.

●I will take Rocket for a walk tomorrow.

●I send peace and love to Grandma and Grandpa.

●I send healing vibes to our baby brother who isn’t feeling well.

This practice helps children feel more optimistic and reduces stress as well as anxiety. Taking a few minutes to practice this before going to bed focuses the brain on positive thoughts.

2. Breathing Buddies

a. Ask your child to lie down and put their favourite teddy on their belly.

b. Ask them to inhale deeply for a count of 3. 

c. Then ask them to exhale for a count of 4.

d. Watch the teddy rise and fall as they breathe in and out. 

e. Do 5 to 10 rounds. See if they can rock teddy to sleep.


This can help children to learn focusing skills, calm down and figure out that paying attention to their bodies helps them relax. 

3. Silly Puddy Stretch

a. Before bed, ask your child to stand tall at the foot of the bed (or beside).

b. Guide them in this three-part stretch.

c. Circle arms up to the sky. (Sun Salutations) 

d. Hold and breathe for a count of two.

e. Swoop your arms below your knees and hang there for a count of two breaths. Feel your neck relax.

f. Swoop back up to standing position and bring your hands in prayer position at your heart.

g. Stand very tall, shoulders down and back, neck long. Hold for a count of two breaths.

h. Repeat this sequence three times.


Research also shows that you will likely benefit greatly from a regular mindfulness practice like this one. A little bit each day (even if it's only 10 minutes) is better than one longer session a week. You’ll find that with regular practice, you and your children will be able to rest easy.

Take part in AISM’s Virtual Open Week from 1 to 5 June 2020 to have a sneak preview into life at AISM and discover more about the School’s impressive facilities, extensive curriculum and how they incorporate mindfulness in school. Join in the diversified programme of presentations and ask questions about studying at Australian International School Malaysia. Our Principal (Liam King) and Heads of Schools (Michelle Chaplin and Ivan McLean) will happily respond to all your enquiries.

Register now at http://www.aism.edu.my/admissions/virtual-open-week.

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