1. Morning Routines to Kickstart the New School Year

Morning Routines to Kickstart the New School Year

Published on 03 Sep 2024

The start of a new school year brings fresh opportunities, new challenges and the promise of growth. To make the most of it, establishing a strong morning routine is crucial for setting the tone of the day, helping children (and parents) feel more organized, energized and ready to take on new challenges. Here are some morning routines to help you and your children jumpstart the new school year with energy and focus.

1. The Night Before: Prep for a Smooth Morning

One way to ensure a calm and productive morning is to make adequate preparation the night before. Laying out clothes, packing school bags and prepping lunches in advance can do much to eliminate the morning scramble. This not only saves time but also reduces stress, making mornings more enjoyable for everyone.

Pro tip: Turn evening prep into a family routine. Allocate a few minutes after dinner to get everything ready for the next day. This habit can help instil a sense of responsibility and time management in your children.

2. Do a Trial Run the Week Before

One of the best ways to prepare for the new school year is to do a trial run the week before school starts. Set the alarm, follow the new morning routine and practice getting ready and leaving the house at the same time you would on a school day. This exercise helps everyone get back into the rhythm of waking up early and can draw attention to any last-minute adjustments that need to be made.

Pro Tip: Use a reward system, like a special breakfast or a fun activity to motivate your children to participate in the trial run enthusiastically.

3. Prepare Your Child Mentally by Discussing What to Expect

Change can be daunting for children, especially for younger ones. A week or two before school starts, start talking to them about what to expect. Discuss their new schedule, any new subjects they will learn and what their mornings will look like. This helps alleviate any anxiety they may have and mentally prepares them for the upcoming changes.

Pro Tip: Create a visual schedule or calendar with pictures to help younger children understand the new routine and look forward to their day.

4. Wake Up with Purpose: Setting a Morning Intention

Instead of hitting the snooze button multiple times, encourage everyone to wake up with a sense of purpose. Getting up a bit earlier than usual can create a buffer that allows for a more relaxed start to the day. This extra time can be used for a quick workout, reading, or even just a few quiet moments to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Pro tip: Create a morning intention ritual. Encourage your children to set a simple goal for the day, whether it’s being kind to a classmate, staying focused in class, or simply enjoying a new activity. This can help them approach the day with a positive mindset.

5. Energize with a Nutritious Breakfast

A healthy breakfast is crucial for fuelling the body and mind. Start the day with a balanced meal that includes protein, whole grains and fresh fruits. This not only keeps hunger at bay but also helps maintain concentration and energy levels throughout the morning. Involve your children in choosing or preparing their breakfast to make it more enjoyable and ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need.

Pro tip: Keep breakfast simple but balanced. Options like oatmeal with fruit, yogurt with granola, or whole-grain toast with avocado are quick, easy to prepare and packed with nutrition. Preparing the ingredients the night before can also save time.

6. Create a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Establishing a consistent wake-up time helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to get up each morning. This consistency helps ensure that everyone in the family gets enough rest and starts the day feeling refreshed.

Pro tip: Stick to the same wake-up time on weekends to maintain the routine. This makes Monday mornings less of a shock to the system.

7. Practice Positive Affirmations

Starting the day with positive affirmations can boost confidence and set a positive tone for the day. Encourage your child to say something positive about themselves or their day while getting ready in the morning.

Pro tip: Write down a few affirmations on sticky notes and place them on the bathroom mirror or breakfast table. This serves as a daily reminder to start the day with a positive mindset.

8. Plan a Special Morning Activity for the First Week

To make the transition back to school more exciting, plan a special morning activity for each day of the first week. This could be something as simple as a favourite breakfast, a quick game, or a short story time. These small treats can make waking up and getting ready more enjoyable.

Pro tip: Keep the activities simple and manageable so they don't add stress to the morning. The goal is to create positive associations with the new routine.

9. Get School Supplies Ready

Nothing says "ready for school" like having all the necessary supplies prepared. Make sure you have purchased everything from the school supply list and have them organized. This might include labelling notebooks, packing a pencil case or organizing a backpack. Getting these things ready ahead of time helps avoid last-minute scrambles and ensures that your child feels prepared and confident on their first day.

Pro Tip: Make organizing school supplies a fun activity by letting your children choose their favourite colours or designs. This not only adds to the excitement of using their supplies but also encourages them to take responsibility for their belongings.

A successful school year starts with a strong morning routine. By planning ahead, waking up with intention, fuelling up with a nutritious breakfast, practicing  a consistent wake-up time, incorporating positive affirmations and planning a fun morning activity, you will be able to create a positive and productive start to each day. These routines not only make mornings proceed more smoothly but also help your children develop good habits that will benefit them throughout the school year and beyond.

Start implementing these morning routines, and you’ll be well on your way to a stress-free, energized, and successful school year!


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