1. Penang TeachMeet @ POWIIS

Penang TeachMeet @ POWIIS

Published on 24 Jul 2017
General Article

2017-06-08 17.30.07

Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS) hosted the second Penang TeachMeet recently, with 55 teachers from international schools across Penang in attendance. They gathered at POWIIS for an evening of professional development which comprised of a series of mini presentations on a range of technology-based teaching and learning ideas.

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This was then followed by a breakout session where teachers had the opportunity to share ideas and discuss important issues within their subject area. Collaborating and discovering innovative ideas is clearly beneficial for improving teaching standards and, ultimately, improving the learning experience for students across the island.

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POWIIS is very proud to be leading the way and looks forward to hosting more collaborative events next academic year.


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