1. Sri Bestari International School - Providing guidance and support through online learning

Sri Bestari International School - Providing guidance and support through online learning

Published on 24 Aug 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way children learn. Teachers too, have had to learn, relearn, or even unlearn different things to support the academic and emotional development of children during this critical transition. Amidst the uncertainties, the measure of effectiveness for online learning is crucial, and parents’ feedback becomes an important tool.

Here are some helpful feedback from the parents of Sri Bestari International School (SBIS) students:

SBIS teachers have managed to get our child involved and to participate in public story telling. The interest in learning has changed immediately and the attitude towards learning also improved.

- Mrs Chan, Year 4 parent 

Between the both of us, we feel SBIS has done an excellent job in managing the Movement Control Order (MCO) and the continuous learning of students. By getting them used to taking instruction online during the term holidays, there were hardly any disruptions during the term. We did not hesitate to tell anyone on how SBIS has gone beyond the call of duty to ensure continuous learning. We know it has been a lot of work on the part of the teachers and we know SBIS has done its best.

– Mr and Mrs Tan, Year 4 parents

I have only good things to say about the teachers and the support they offered my child and his classmates. They’ve been an anchor for them during this time. They’ve provided structure, held assemblies, gave them awards for their efforts and encouraged them to be creative and inquisitive. They’ve taught them so much from current affairs to the virus and how to stay safe and not be intimidated by the current situation. I am really grateful.

– Mrs Ng, Year 2 parent

I would like to thank all the teachers for the hard work they have put into making our children’s lessons interesting and fun. They are not only their teachers – they are their guides and parents too. I am grateful for their kindness, love and support. Thank you so much.

– Ms Anita, Year 2 parent

A big shout-out and thank you to all our children’s teachers. We were very surprised by our child’s sudden interest in Mathematics. Before this, he wasn’t keen on the subject, but he is now not only interested but excited for class. For Mandarin classes, we were initially thinking of sending our children for extra classes, but we found the school’s teaching methods coincided with the manner in which we want our children to learn, which is by making them understand words instead of memorising. We feel our children are progressing and we hope they will be speaking the language in a few terms. Thank you and good job.

– Mr Lye, Year 3 parent.

I am impressed with how classes are run. It is very organised. I am glad to have changed schools during the MCO. The kids have an organised schedule during this period while schools are closed. I am also very impressed with the weekly assembly and how it is all managed by students, how it is being emceed by them and how they are guided. The kids look forward to assembly at the end of every week. It’s very interesting to see how much effort the teachers have put into this. As for the Creative Corner & Public Speaking activity, as tedious as it is, it’s quite a fun family bonding period. A job well done, teachers. Thank you very much for supporting us throughout.

– Mrs Chiam, Year 1 parent

We were very worried about the transition to a new school and how difficult it could be to adapt to a new environment. However, with daily updates on Schoology (SBIS’s learning management system) from the subject teachers, including work done in school and homework to be completed, we are very well informed on the progress of our child. SBIS teachers have managed to get our child involved and to participate in public story telling.

The interest in learning has changed immediately and the attitude towards learning has also improved. Contrary to his previous school, SBIS teachers have instilled a healthy competitive learning atmosphere that encourages him to work harder to achieve his goals. Classes are well structured with adequate disciplinary action taken when necessary. Malaysian values are taught and applied in daily learning. The subject teachers are very dedicated in ensuring he understands every topic before moving onto the next.

The online learning method is not very different from physical face-to-face learning, with each lesson conducted by the teacher for at least an hour. The teacher is continuously interacting with students, ensuring students understand what is being taught. There is work completed during class and homework is also given, and the teachers discuss the work given and go through every answer, again ensuring students understand.

– Mrs Chan, Year 4 parent

I want to thank all the teachers for putting so much effort into the online classes and getting the children to focus on the lessons. This is the most difficult, so thank you very much.

– Mrs Hon, Year 8 parent

For more information on SBIS’ next intake, call or WhatsApp the Admissions Department at 011-2612 0424 or 011-5139 7866. 

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