1. Schools in 2021 - Places of innovation, adaptability and change!

Schools in 2021 - Places of innovation, adaptability and change!

Published on 10 Mar 2021
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools

‘If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.’ John Quincy Adams

Over the last 12 months, we have seen a dramatic shift in the education sector, as schools have responded to the challenges of the largest pandemic in our lifetime COVID-19. It has required school leaders to be more agile and flexible, with greater vision than has ever been needed before in recent history, in order to adjust to the changing landscape. Whilst the safety and wellbeing of their communities have been a major priority, maintaining and continuing the academic programs for students, has seen schools embrace the use of technology in a more pervasive way to engage, enhance and encourage student learning. 

Schooling has changed dramatically in the 21st century. Learning, teaching and the environments in which they occur, have been focussed on adapting to the contemporary world and equipping students with the tools and skills needed to prepare for a collaborative and innovative workforce. Fortunately, for schools that have been educating students in the use of technology as a learning tool, this has meant that many students have seamlessly adapted to learning remotely. Whilst it is no substitute for a campus-based program, some schools have seen that student achievement continues at a very high level and that student engagement even increases, as a more personalised approach to learning and teaching has emerged.

Australian education has a long tradition of innovation, so it was no surprise to see our students thrive during the last twelve months, as they embraced the challenges with a positive attitude and growth mindset. It has been a journey of self-discovery during the last year, our students and teachers have been taken out of their comfort zone and challenged to think creatively. It has provided them with opportunities that have allowed them to better understand how they can make a difference in the world. This is largely a result of our teachers offering them a variety of experiences, so they can discover their passions and giving them a clear path that will pave the way towards their future in a time of uncertainty.

Of course this did not just happen because of COVID-19, as a Visible Learning School, building positive relationships and making connections with students has always been a priority at Australian International School Malaysia (AISM), in order to understand and appreciate each student. This strong foundation created a level of trust and respect that allowed these interactions to continue online so that students, teachers and parents could continue the partnership with each other when the educational journey shifted to our ‘Continuity of Learning Plan’ during the Movement Control Order (MCO). The concept of connectedness embodies our universal human need to belong. It represents a powerful belief - that each of us is part of an unbroken and unbreakable chain, which shares an identity and culture. This concept is at the core of creating a culture of high performance. It is also the fundamental building block for learning. If people feel safe, valued and emotionally supported, they will learn and therefore have the potential to reach their personal best. Creating a positive and healthy environment that focuses on student wellbeing and academic excellence, through a holistic approach, is crucial. Hence the frameworks behind AISM implementing Visible Learning and Mindfulness being embedded in our Australian Curriculum, were key to our students’ success. 

As we return to campus-based learning, many parents will be facing a personal decision, as to whether to send their child to school or keep them at home where they may feel they are safer and not exposed to the potential dangers of the ‘community transmission’ of COVID-19. It is important that parents consider the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and protocols that schools are putting in place to keep their students safe. At the Australian International School Malaysia (AISM), we have considered this and have shared the following checklist to reassure parents that everything is in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students. We take this very seriously as we know when our students feel safe and healthy, they will learn more. We also know just how important personal relationships and interactions are and that this happens best during campus-based learning, so we are encouraging all students to return to our campus-based program in order for their overall educational journey to continue.



AISM SOP Checklist

  • Regular transparent communication with parents
  • Travel declarations completed prior to entry to Campus
  • Temperature checking on arrival
  • Student temperatures recorded twice a day
  • Students encouraged to work from home if feeling unwell
  • Social distancing signage displayed around the campus
  • One directional traffic flow on campus
  • Face masks worn 
  • Visitors to campus limited
  • Hand sanitizer stations available throughout the campus
  • Junior and Middle/Senior School only using designated facilities in their areas so there is no crossover between Junior School and Middle/Senior School
  • First Aid Centre set up in two locations with qualified nurses
  • Isolation room set up for use if required to isolate a suspected case
  • Daily cleaning of all learning areas
  • Regular cleaning of high traffic areas such as toilets
  • Equipment and materials regularly cleaned at the conclusion of lessons
  • Separate eating arrangements for Junior and Middle/Senior School
  • Separate recess and lunchtime for Junior and Middle/Senior School

It is important that you invest in your child's education in a school like Australian International School Malaysia (AISM),  which is prepared to provide an effective learning environment for your children in this new normal. A school of Academic Excellence both on campus and online. Enjoy up to 75% fee waivers*, worth more than RM 15,000, and instalment payment options when you apply before 30 April 2021. Visit our website at www.aism.edu.my or contact our admissions team on 03-89495000 or email us on enquiry@aism.edu.my


*Terms and conditions apply. 



Mr Liam King, Principal of Australian International School Malaysia (AISM)

Mr King joined AISM with 30 years of teaching experience. He has been the Deputy Principal at Kingswood College in Melbourne, Principal of Stamford American International School and Deputy Principal of the Australian International School Singapore.

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