New year new beginning, looking for a new path for an excellent education chamber? We’re here to help you out. Giving the best holistic support and preparing children to be independent learners with strong ethical beliefs allows them to achieve their full academic and co-curricular potential. 2024 would be the greatest start for our children to dive into a perpetual successful study path. Do not miss the discounts and rebates that are exclusively brought to everyone. 

Let’s sail towards the achievement of an excellent future. 

Call us to book your slot ahead and be a part of our incredible journey for a better path. 

Please do not hesitate to visit our school during the upcoming open day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to learn about the programme and faculties. 

#SJIS #SJISKL #StJohnsInternationalSchool #StJohnsInternationalSecondarySchool #SecondarySchool #2024Admission #EdumaaxEducationGroup