1. Secondary Open Day (9th Sept)

Secondary Open Day (9th Sept)

Published on 01 Sep 2023

"The science of today is the technology of tomorrow." – Edward Teller 

The evolution of science is intertwined with today's world. ❤️SJIS has predominantly amplified technology and exposed students to the current holistic firms, which helps our children connect with today's world. 🥳🤩

What are you waiting for? Please schedule a meeting with us today to join our admission day on September 9th between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. See you soon. 🤩

   #SJIS #SJISKL #StJohnsInternationalSchool #StJohnsInternationalSecondarySchool #SecondarySchool #StJothnsInternationalSecondarySchoolKualaLumpur #kualalumpur

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