1. Student Profile: Kim Bandi from Sunway International School

Student Profile: Kim Bandi from Sunway International School

Published on 28 Feb 2023
Inside the Schools

Describe yourself in three words.

Enthusiastic, optimistic, stubborn.


What is your favourite subject and why?

My favourite subject is science because science allows me to experience various facets in my life. I could always apply my science knowledge in real life. I believe science is a study that answers countless questions prompted by my curiosity.


What kinds of extracurricular activities do you do and why?

Currently, I am leading a club named ‘SHEEP’ (Small Hands Eliminating Endless Problems) that allows me to do volunteer work in society. Moreover, I am a member of the High School Student Council, which allows me to build numerous skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and more.


What opportunities has your school given you that you would not have had otherwise?

SIS has given me an opportunity to find my interest and the field that I want to study in the future. In Grade 8, I participated in the Middle School Science Fair and won an Engineering Award. This event had provoked my enthusiasm in the study of science, and also gave me an unforgettable memory. Additionally, I was able to gain lots of information to plan my future university pathway with SIS guidance and help.


If you could change one thing about being a student at your school, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about being a student at my school, I would want all the students to be able to participate in the classes and have confidence in themselves.


Describe your school in three words.

Spirited, reliable, inspiring.


What do you hope to do when you finish school?

I do not have a specific plan for my future, but I am considering studying either biology or physics and astronomy at a university abroad.


What lessons did you learn in the past year?

I learnt that I should be grateful for my life and the people who always work and care for me. I am thankful for my family and teachers who supported me a lot on my learning journey.

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