1. Teacher Profile: Charlotte Baker

Teacher Profile: Charlotte Baker

Published on 02 Aug 2018
Educators' Perspective

Year(s) and Subject(s) Taught 

Chemistry - Year 10 & 11

How long have you been teaching? 

11 years.

Why did you become a teacher? Why did you choose teaching as a profession?

My journey was quite unconventional. When I left school, Further Education was not an option for me, so I headed straight into the workplace. I worked as a cleaner, a cook, a shopkeeper and in a factory. I got married and had a child. When my son was born, I wanted to be a role model for him. I wanted to show him that regardless of your circumstances, you are in control of your own destiny. So at 24, I asked myself for the first time “What do you really want to do with your life”? I decided that I would love to work with the leaders of tomorrow; to inspire them and help shape who they became. To do that, I knew I had to be a teacher.

Tell us about your own education journey.

After I made the decision to become a teacher, I applied to college as a mature student. It was hard and scary to go back to school, but I have always loved learning and I knew it was what I wanted to do. I did an access to Higher Education course for 1 year and graduated top of my class. I applied to university and embarked on a 3 year degree. It was not easy being both a mum and a student, but I studied hard and was rewarded with a first class honours degree in Environmental Science, and several academic awards. I was lucky enough to be excepted onto the prestigious School Centred Initial Teacher Training SCITT programme for the final part of my journey. I graduated in 2007 with an “Outstanding”.

What is the most memorable moment in your teaching career so far?

Last year I was able to help our learners organise an Eco Week. As part of that week, we had a whole school ‘zero waste picnic’. Our older learners ate with, and read to, our younger learners. It was such a privilege to look out at 1,300 people eating together in celebration of the planet. I was able to see the seeds of new friendships sprout and appreciate how close out TIS Puchong family had become. I was so proud of the learners who organised it and all those who took part.

What do you like most about teaching?

I love the way that young people are so interested in the world around them. They are not afraid to ask difficult questions or see things from a different perspective. They laugh often and get super excited about learning new things. Young minds are like clay. They can be moulded, stretched and shaped in so many different ways. Their opinions, ideas and beliefs are fluid rather than fixed. I am the most privileged person in the world to be able to work alongside such people.

What is the best thing about teaching at your school?

I love working at TIS Puchong. We have a state of the art, purpose built, campus. Our classrooms are bright, airy and designed with learning in mind. But my favourite part of our school is the way everybody is like a family. The staff and learners support and nurture each other because we realise we are a community. We work towards common goals and unite in a love of learning.

Who or what inspires you?

The learners that I work with inspire me every day. They inspire me to push my limits, learn new things, challenge my beliefs and be a better person.

Describe the ‘perfect’ student.

I believe that all learners have the capacity to be the perfect student. One day I will see a very shy person have the courage to give an answer in class. The next I will see another student offer the hand of friendship to someone who looks alone. On another day, I will see a student push themselves to finish a race even though they are exhausted or change their beliefs after a heated discussion with a peer. The perfect student is a lifelong learner who is ready to be the best they can be. We have that potential in all of us.  

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