Rachelle Griffin ICT Integrator, Upper Section Leader, Year 4 Teacher
Michelle Chaplin Head of Junior School
No single historical event has changed the education landscape as significantly as the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this time, ICT has played a pivotal role in Australian International School Malaysia (AISM)’s Continuity of Learning Program.
The Junior School introduced the Seesaw learning platform in 2018. The original intention was to utilise it as a tool to bring parents into the classroom and increase their involvement in student learning.
When Malaysia introduced the Movement Control Order (MCO), the Junior School was in a strong position to immediately begin delivering an off-campus learning program. The benefits of using a platform that was already embedded in the school became apparent. As lessons were delivered, teachers, students, and parents were operating in an environment that was both comfortable and familiar. The transition from the classroom to home learning via the Seesaw platform played a significant role in the success AISM Junior School learners have experienced during the pandemic.
The changed teaching environment required AISM teachers to constantly evolve within the ICT domain. No longer able to rely on face-to-face teaching, new skill sets were developed and sharpened. Improving our ability to deliver education through multiple, but familiar ICT tools were constantly evolving. Almost overnight, the teacher’s tool kit needed to completely change and include skills in movie-making, slideshows, picture editing, animation, and voice recording. Teachers across the Junior School became experts in these fields in a short period to ensure high-quality lessons could be delivered to learners at home.
One of the key components in maintaining the connection between teachers and students was the introduction of Google Meets. As a Visible Learning School, AISM believes in Professor John Hattie's research that is based on “teacher impact” and the huge impact teacher-student relationships have on learning hence google meets now operating across the entire Junior School from ELC to Year 5. Google Meets has offered an opportunity for educators to remain connected with their learners and deliver explicit lessons. This lesson delivery attempts to replicate the classroom experience by providing rich learning experiences and the vital social interaction teachers, students and their peers require for successful learning and wellbeing.
Every cloud has a silver lining, and the silver lining, in this case, is perhaps one we didn’t foresee. Learners have stepped up in a big way and taken ownership of their learning. They have managed their time independently, ensuring they are on time to their Google Meet sessions and adhering to given deadlines. Teachers have commented that their learners have demonstrated improved problem-solving skills. Many learners have flourished in an environment where they can complete their work at their own pace and in their preferred working times. ICT skills across the Junior School have improved dramatically. As we head back to campus, there is much we have learned and can build on in our classrooms and whilst our classrooms may be different physically - at least for some time - AISM students know how to collaborate and work as a team using the right tools and equipment - and this will make the difference - we’ve all journeyed together to be solution focussed problem solvers and to think beyond borders.
On returning to school AISM learners have continued to utilise their newly developed expertise in ICT to support and enhance their learning in a variety of ways. Some learners have illustrated that self paced lessons are their preferred learning style, while others have appreciated returning to the more structured approach of the classroom. Whatever your preference, teachers and students now have the skills and confidence required to support a blended approach to learning. Learners have a new confidence and a more proactive risk-taking attitude to demonstrating their knowledge through the use of exciting and engaging technology solutions; movie making, radio presentations, slides, docs, online quizzes, just to name a few. AISM has exited the MCO as a community who can problem solve and innovate to maximise student learning - with students who are solution focussed, globally conscious and keen to make a difference in the world.
Learn if Australian Curriculum is the Right Fit for Your Child at AISM’s Open Week (24 – 28 August)
There is no substitute for experiencing what happens at Australian International School Malaysia for yourself. Experience a virtual campus tour that will allow you to make the best decision for your child during our Open Week this August. Speak to our Principal, Head of Schools and teachers virtually to understand more about our school and community. Register now at www.aism.edu.my/admissions/virtual-open-week.