1. Epsom College in Malaysia: Why is Reading Good for You?

Epsom College in Malaysia: Why is Reading Good for You?

Published on 11 Jan 2017
General Article

The new year approaches and with it the traditional new year resolutions. How many students will set themselves a 2017 resolution to ‘read more books’ knowing that they have been told by parents and teachers that reading is ‘good’ for you?

But why is reading good for you? Here are five good reasons...


Reason 1: Reading is good for your brain:Joseph Addison stated almost 300 years ago, before science could prove his theory, that “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Scientific studies today show that reading increases blood flow and improves connectivity in the brain.

Reason 2: Reading reduces stress. Reading about something you enjoy or losing yourself in a good novel is an excellent way to relax (perfect for all those students who will be spending this holiday studying or revising). Whilst your brain wanders to new ideas and to live in someone else’s shoes, tension is reduced in your muscles. Reading is a mini vacation for the brain!

Reason 3: Reading challenges your imagination. Your brain goes beyond the words on the page, imagining new places, situations, people and emotions.


Reason 4: Reading increases cultural awareness, without the need to get on a plane (perfect for those students staying at home this holiday!) Reading books set in cultures different from our own provides an understanding and knowledge of those cultures and the lives of others.

Reason 5: Reading develops concentration and focus.The barrage of instant media and technological information means our attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Reading a book, unlike skimming a web page or scrolling through Facebook, forces you to focus, to concentrate for longer- skills needed to be an efficient learner at school and beyond.

Did you know that the College library now has almost 9000 books? Students: take the time to pop in and choose something that will transport you. Make it a habit to spend some time each day away from your device or phone and settle into some serious reading. To quote a recent visitor to the College, Professor Grayling:

“To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.”

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The Duke of York Library at Epsom College



The Duke of York Library at Epsom College



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