"Once you find your passion, then you find your pathway in life” are the words of wisdom by Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman (Dr Mazlan), Malaysia’s first astrophysicist who presented an education and career talk at Sunway International School on 21st March 2016.
The director of the Mega Science 3.0 Project at the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, and founding director of the National Space Agency (ANGKASA) was invited as part of the Career’s Speaker Series organized by Sunway International School & Canadian International Matriculation Programme Guidance Departments.
Dr. Mazlan’s presentation at the Sunway University Graduate Hall was well-received, peppered with amusing anecdotes and fascinating highlights about her professional milestone, spanning her postgraduate pursuit of her Ph.D. in astrophysics in New Zealand up to her appointment as the former Director of the UN for the Department of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) in Vienna.
The Career’s Speaker Series is an initiative put on by both Canadian programmes to showcase the diversity of various career fields to students. At the same time, Dr Mazlan’s talk was an effective opportunity to promote work in the sciences and a strategic tie-in with the upcoming SIS Science Games Day.
The students gained a great deal of experience and an enlightening afternoon learning about a future in science. Principal Mr. Bill Ironside captured the students’ appreciation beautifully, “SIS thanks Dr. Mazlan for sharing her amazing career story.”